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OSLO International Flashmob West Coast Swing 2015

  • Oslo Flashmob Oslo (map)

For the second year, one West Coast Swing FlashMob on the same day around the world! The goal is to promote WCS, get together in a fun way, make the WCS community grow and feel our big family vibe!

Last year, more than 3000 dancers participated in 78 different cities in 23 countries! This year we want to add Oslo again to those cities! Last time was so fun!

WATCH THE CHOREOGRAPHY and an introduction to the idea behind the event here (YouTube).

Sunday 30th of August, 15:00-17:00 and 18:00-19:00, as part of the WCS Extravagance, with Arild & Karina :)
Tollbugata 13. Details here (Facebook).

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